Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I am sick and tired...

I am sick from air pollutants, water pollutants, and chemicals that are making the earth unsafe to inhabit.

I am sick of medications, happily prescribed by my doctor, which has a list of side effects that are much worse than my original symptoms.

I am sick of walking through my amply stocked grocery store and being afraid to place anything in my cart because it may be tainted with bacteria that can kill me.

I am tired of being a gas-hogging, natural resource spendthrift.

I am tired of spending hours of each day cleaning my house, which never is tidy because it is filled to the brim with "stuff" that I HAD to buy.

I am tired of being at the mercy of the power company, the grocery store, Wal-Mart (and all her cousins), the auto manufacturers, and anyone else who raises their prices with no regard to my income or forces me to use their products and services to enjoy a “normal” lifestyle.

I am sick and tired…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am with you...sick of it all and wonder beyond praying cannot see a solution to any of it...but I am sure there must be a solution. Perhaps if everyone would pray, conserve, and at least try to give a helping hand to those in need, make our congress people fight for universal health insurance, bring jobs back to the US, start using alternatives to oil...just maybe.... Well, I saw a movie yesterday that has had me thinking since....The Happening.... I don't know if you are a movie goer, but I found the movie really thought provoking....We NEED to clean our world or prepare to perish as a race....just my humble opinion! Anyhoo, thumbs up....